Delivery and Returns


We currently deliver to Mainland Europe. We will provide you with a delivery quotation when you place your order on our website, or via email as part of the quotation. Delivery charges are calculated by the size, weight, and delivery destination. If you encounter issues with the delivery information you can email us at

Please note that any import costs, for customs clearance, duties or taxes will need to be settled by the person receiving the delivery of the product.

There are three ways we can arrange the consignment of your product:

  1. UPS or another delivery provider, usually for smaller items

  2. Courier service, for large and heavy items

  3. Collection from our workshop

Our products are made by hand in our workshop when we received your order, therefore delivery times can vary depending on what you have ordered. We estimate a turnaround time of four to six weeks for your product to be made, however, this may be shorter or longer depending on the size and complexity of the product you have ordered.  

Once your product has been made. We will contact you to let you know your product is on its way. For large or heavy products we will contact you to arrange the courier service or collection of your product.

Before you purchase a product please check it fits in your space. This includes checking it will fit through your doorways, halls etc. If a product cannot be delivered it will be returned to Bloom & Grove and a delivery charge will be applied depending on the size and delicate nature of the product. Failed or canceled deliveries will also incur a change.

We will ensure your product is packaged with the same care it was made with. If the package of a delivered product is opened or damaged, you must have a note drawn up by the forwarder or delivery person before receiving the product. In the absence of this Bloom & Grove may not be held liable for any damage.

If you take care of the transport of a product, you must report any visible damage to products or the packaging prior to the transport from Bloom & Grove, failing which Bloom & Grove cannot be held liable for any damage.


For products bought from our website, you have a legal right to change your mind within the cooling-off period of 14 days to receive a refund. Proving that:

  • The product has not been used

  • The product is not a bespoke product, manufactured to your specifications

  • The product is not specifically made to order

The reflection period of 14 days commences on the first day after you have received the product. 

If you want to return a product please notify Bloom and Grove via

You are obliged to return the product to Bloom & Grove within 14 days, from the day you received the product, after which period your right of cancellation will lapse. 

If you request a refund we will reimburse the amount you paid for the goods, excluding the original delivery cost.

The costs for the returns are not covered by Bloom & Grove.

Products should be returned to Bloom & Grove in their original packaging, and in good order. If the product is used or damaged we will not be able to process the refund.